Health & Safety
We are committed to ensuring the health, safety and wellbeing of all employees, subcontractors, clients and the wider public at our workplaces. For all business activities, this is a priority.
Our annual health and safety targets, objectives for continuous improvement and the development of specific programs are all in place to enhance our performance. We maintain an occupational health and safety management system (AS/NZS 4801:2001) by complying with legislative requirements.

Risk assessment, hazard identification, safe systems of work and monitoring compliance are all part of our commitment on sites. A structured, periodic review process is in place, together with an independent auditor, to deliver effective and meaningful continual improvement of the system. We understand the importance of leading the way by example and promoting safe behaviours at all times. Our policy is that each site is managed to the highest standard of health and safety best practice.

Our IMS integration enables the Maxcon organisation to work as a single collaborative unit with unified objectives.
all our services
our projects
Maxcon has managed and erected a variety of buildings that serve a range of commercial purposes.